With 360DigiLib cataloger you can build a local meta-database that lets you organize all your videos with keyword tags.

Effective Technologies for Video Catalogue

360DigiLib library management application caters to both small and Large organizational / Universities Video libraries. Our online software lets you create multiple libraries, catalogue movies, music, and video, lets you create tags, import/export, and much more. We offer three different subscription options to best fit your needs. 360DigiLib is the best system for cataloguing your media available offline / online.

360DigiLib library management application caters to both small and Large organizational / Universities Video libraries. Our offline / online software lets you create multiple libraries, catalogue movies, music, and video, lets you create tags, import/export, and much more. .

360DigiLib Pro 2.0

Web Based Offline Application, On premises Application for Home Users

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360DigiLib Ultima 2.0

Online Application Sync with YouTube, Cert-in Certified, Hosted on MEITY Approved Cloud).

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360DigiLib Enterprise 2.0

Online Application with Mobile App Sync with YouTube, Cert-in Certified, Hosted on MEITY Approved Cloud)

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